
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

New Quilt

With practically two weeks of back to back snow days I had plenty of time to start and
finish B's Valentines Day quilt.

I bought fabric in December to make him a quilt but then he said he really wanted me to make him one out of scraps. Cue me making an, "Ugghhhhhh" sound. 

I cut a million scraps into a billion tiny squares. Then I counted them and cut more. Then I sorted them so they'd be evenly distributed but random. Then I sewed and sewed. I ran through four spools of thread. We had to make a snowy run to Kroger for emergency thread!

This was the biggest and heaviest blanket I've ever made so a lot of binder clips and wrestling were involved. 

A few more snow days enabled me to knock the whole thing out only a week later. It is by far the manliest blanket. Check out how manly it is.

Most of my previous blankets have been for most of my scraps are pretty baby-ish. Regardless, it's super cheerful and HUGE. I meant to make a twin, and I think I made it queen sized instead.

Look! It works!

